Database Schema

MySQL/MariaDB Schema

Databases Supported

Currently MySQL/MariaDB 5.6 (and greater) is supported. Any Linux distribution that uses an older version should install the latest 5.6 or 5.7 via MySQL Download or via MariaDB Download

Interaction with the Database

OpenBMP stores the parsed BMP messages in a database. The DB is updated realtime as messages are received.

The design allows for admins, network engineers, scripts/programs, etc. to interact with the Database in a read-only fashion. A single database instance running with 8G of RAM and 4 vCPU’s can handle several routers with several full Internet routing bgp peers.


Primary Keys

OpenBMP is not just logging BMP/BGP messages, instead it is actively maintaining the information. Therefore, there is a need for OpenBMP to update existing objects, such as NLRI and timestamps. To facilitate this, each table includes a hash_id which is currently a MD5 hash of various columns. Each table hash_id is computed on column information instead of requiring multiple column primary keys or unique key constraints.

To facilitate table linking, hash_id’s of other tables are referenced. Each table defines the reference to other table hash_id’s.

Schema for Views

Views are pre-defined queries in a nice table format, making it easier for integration. Views look just like tables. You can run normal select queries against them.


The routes table is similar to looking at the routing table on a router. The difference is that you can look at them across all routers, including pre-policy.

Column DataType Description
RouterName varchar DNS/custom name or BMP initiate message (sysName)
PeerName varchar Name or IP address of peer
Prefix varchar Prefix
PrefixLen int Prefix length in bits
NH varchar Next-hop IP address in printed format
Origin varchar BGP origin in string format
Origin_AS int First AS PATh entry, origin of the prefix
MED int BGP MED value
LocalPref int BGP local preference
AS_Path varchar AS Path in string format
ASPath_Count int Count of ASN’s in the path
Communities varchar Standard Communities in string format
ExtCommunities varchar Extended Communities in string format
ClusterList varchar Cluster list in string format
Aggregator varchar Aggregator AS and IP address in printed format
PeerAddress varchar Peer IP address in printed format
isPeerIPv4 bool Indicates if the peer is IPv4 or IPv6
isPeerVPN bool Indicates if the peer is a VPN/VRF peer
LastModified timestamp Timestamp of when last modified/updated
prefix_bin varbinary Binary (inet_ntoa/inet6_ntoa) representation of the prefix address
rib_hash_id char RIB hash ID
path_hash_id char Path attribute hash ID
peer_hash_id char Peer hash ID
router_hash_id char Router hash ID


Routes history is just like the routes table, but this will return prefixes with their history of path attributes. You can use this view to show the prefix history over time. For example, show a prefix as it converges or how it has moved from one transit to another in a given time period.

Column DataType Description
RouterName varchar DNS/custom name or BMP initiate message (sysName)
PeerName varchar Name or IP address of peer
Prefix varchar Prefix
PrefixLen int Prefix length in bits
NH varchar Next-hop IP address in printed format
Origin varchar BGP origin in string format
Origin_AS int First AS PATh entry, origin of the prefix
MED int BGP MED value
LocalPref int BGP local preference
AS_Path varchar AS Path in string format
ASPath_Count int Count of ASN’s in the path
Communities varchar Standard Communities in string format
ExtCommunities varchar Extended Communities in string format
ClusterList varchar Cluster list in string format
Aggregator varchar Aggregator AS and IP address in printed format
PeerAddress varchar Peer IP address in printed format
isPeerIPv4 bool Indicates if the peer is IPv4 or IPv6
isPeerVPN bool Indicates if the peer is a VPN/VRF peer
LastModified timestamp Timestamp of when last modified/udpated


View of BGP peers with session information and details of last down and up notifications. This is similar to looking at the bgp peer on the router. Like with routes, you can see a much larger list of peers by looking at all routers, not just one.

For example, one could use this view to report on public peers in different peering locations. Another report could be to track peering stability.

Column DataType Description
RouterName varchar DNS/custom name or BMP initiate message (sysName)
LocalIP varchar IP Address of the BMP router local peering address
LocalPort int Local port number of the BMP router local peering session
LocalASN int Local ASN for peering sessions
LocalBGPId varchar Local BGP ID
PeerName varchar Name or IP address of peer
PeerIP varchar Peer IP address in printed format
PeerPort int Remote port number of the peer
PeerASN int Peer ASN for session
PeerBGPId varchar Peer BGP ID
LocalHoldTime int BGP holdtime sent to peer
PeerHoldTime int BGP holdtime received from peer
isUp boolean True if peer is up, or false if peer is down
isBMPConnected boolean True if the router BMP session is connected, false if not
isPeerVPN boolean True if the peer is a VPN peer (e.g. within a VRF)
isPrePolicy boolean True if the peer updates are pre-policy, false if post-policy/loc-rib
LastBMPReasonCode varchar BMP Reason code (Down message contains reason text)
LastDownCode int BGP error code of the last down notification
LastDownSubCode int BGP error subcode of the last down notification
LastDownMessage varchar Meaning of last peer down notification
LastDownTimestamp timestamp Timestamp of the last time peer down was sent
LastUpTimestamp timestamp Timestamp of the last time peer up was sent
SentCapabilities varchar(variable) String list of sent capabilities
RecvCapabilities varchar(variable) String list of received capabilities
peer_hash_id char Peer hash ID
router_hash_id char Router hash ID


Each peer sends statistic reports on the router configured interval. This view shows the peer statistics. Each interval will be shown.

Column DataType Description
RouterName varchar Name of the router or IP if name is not set
PeerName varchar Name of the peer or IP if name not set
TS timestamp of the internal
Rejected unsigned int 32bit Number of prefixes rejected by inbound policy
ConfedLoop unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to AS_CONFED loop
ASLoop unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to AS_PATH loop
InvalidClusterList unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to CLUSTER_LIST loop
InvalidOriginator unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to ORIGINATOR_ID
KnownPrefix_DUP unsigned int 32bit Number of (known) duplicate prefix advertisements
KnownWithdraw_DUP unsigned int 32bit Number of (known) duplicate withdraws
Pre_RIB unsigned int 64bit Number of routes in Adj-RIBs-In
Post RIB unsigned int 64bit Number of routes in Loc-RIB
router_hash_id char Router hash ID
peer_hash_id char Peer hash ID


Each peer sends statistic reports on the router configured interval. This view shows the peer statistics for the last (most current) interval.

Column DataType Description
RouterName varchar Name of the router or IP if name is not set
PeerName varchar Name of the peer or IP if name not set
TS timestamp of the internval
Rejected unsigned int 32bit Number of prefixes rejected by inbound policy
ConfedLoop unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to AS_CONFED loop
ASLoop unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to AS_PATH loop
InvalidClusterList unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to CLUSTER_LIST loop
InvalidOriginator unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to ORIGINATOR_ID
KnownPrefix_DUP unsigned int 32bit Number of (known) duplicate prefix advertisements
KnownWithdraw_DUP unsigned int 32bit Number of (known) duplicate withdraws
Pre_RIB unsigned int 64bit Number of routes in Adj-RIBs-In
Post RIB unsigned int 64bit Number of routes in Loc-RIB
router_hash_id char Router hash ID
peer_hash_id char Peer hash ID


Geolocation information view. DB-IP, MaxMind, IP 2 Location, etc. provide CSV dumps that can be imported into the DB. Search this view using something like:

SELECT * FROM v_geo_ip
            WHERE ip_end_bin >= inet6_aton('')
                and ip_start_bin <= inet6_aton('')
            ORDER BY ip_end_bin asc limit 1;
Column DataType Description
ip_start varchar Printed representation of the starting IP address
ip_end varchar Printed representation of the IP ending IP address
addr_type varchar enum of either ‘ipv4’ or ‘ipv6
country char(2) Two byte country abbreviation
stateprov varchar State or province
city varchar City
latitude float Latitude (e.g. 37.4309)
longitude float long (e.g. -121.953)
timezone_offset float Timezone offset from UTC
timezone_name varchar Timezone name
isp_name varchar ISP Name
connection_type varchar enum of ‘dialup’ ‘isdn’, ‘cable’, ‘dsl’, ‘fttx’, ‘wireless
organization_name varchar Organization name
ip_start_bin varbinary Binary (inet_ntoa/inet6_ntoa) representation of the starting IP address
ip_end_bin varbinary Binary (inet_ntoa/inet6_ntoa) representation of the ending IP address

Schema for Stored Procedures

Currently there are no stored procedures.

Schema for Data Tables


This table is a list of all BMP devices. Normally this table is populated based on connections made to the OpenBMP server. This table is used for provisioning allowed BMP devices OpenBMP will accept, as well as to indicate which BMP devices are in passive mode requiring active tcp connections to be made by OpenBMP.

Column DataType Description
hash_id char(32) Hash ID for this table
name varchar(255) BMP initiate message sysName
description varchar(255) BMP initiate message sysDescr
ip_address varchar(40) IPv4/IPv6 address of the BMP device
router_AS unsigned int 32bit ASN of the BMP device
isConnected boolean BMP connection state ; true is established
isPassive boolean Indicates if OpenBMP is passive or active
term_reason_code int BMP termination reason code for LAST termination (isConnected=false)
term_reason_text varchar(255) Text description of the LAST reason code meaning
term_data blob/text Attribute value pairs provided in termination data
initiate_data blob/text Attribute value paris provided in initiation message
timestamp timestamp Last time the record was updated - seconds since EPOCH


BGP peers are added to this table as BMP devices send information. The router_hash_id provides a way to link which BMP device the peer belongs to.

Column DataType Description
hash_id char(32) Hash ID of this table
router_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of the routers table
name varchar(255) BGP peer name
peer_rd varchar(32) Route distinguisher ID in printed format
peer_addr varchar(40) Peer IP address (IPv4/IPv6) in printed format
peer_bgp_id varchar(15) Peer BGP ID in printed format
peer_as unsigned int 32bit Peer ASN
isL3VPN boolean Peer is VPNv4 if true and global if false
isIPv4 boolean Peer IP type is IPv4 if true and IPv6 if false
isPrePolicy boolean True if pre-policy (adj-rib-in) or false if post-policy (loc-rib)
state int Peer state is 0=down, 1=up, 2=receiving initial dump via bmp
timestamp timestamp Last time the record was updated - seconds since EPOCH


BGP path attributes table primarily holds the path attributes for NLRI entries. This includes MP_REACH. BGP-LS attributes will be stored in separate (new) tables.

Column DataType Description
hash_id char(32) Hash ID of this table
peer_hash_id char (32) Hash ID of the bgp_peers table
origin varchar(16) BGP Origin in printed format
as_path varchar(variable) AS_PATH in string format
as_path_count int Count of AS’s in the path, including in sets
origin_as unsigned int 32bit Origin AS - first ASN in path
nexthop_isIPv4 boolean Next-hop is IPv4 if true and IPv6 if false
next_hop varchar(40) IP address of next-hop in printed format
aggregator varchar(40) Aggregator AS and IP in printed format
originator_id varchar(15) Originator ID in printed format
atomic_agg boolean True if atomic aggregate, false if not
med unsigned int 32bit BGP med value
local_pref unsigned int 32bit BGP local preference
community_list varchar(variable) Standard community list in string format
ext_community_list varchar(variable) Extended community list in string format
cluster_list varchar(variable) Cluster list in string format
timestamp timestamp timestmap from BMP sender (normally this is the receive time of the entry on the router) - seconds since EPOCH


The rib table details the prefixes, both IPv4, IPv6, and VPNv4. Linking the path_attrs table is needed in order to determine the attributes of prefix. The v_routes view provides a simple view of routes with their attributes.

Column DataType Description
hash_id char(32) Hash ID of this table
path_attr_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of the path_attrs table
peer_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of the bgp_peers table
prefix varchar(40) Prefix in printed format
prefix_len int Length of prefix in bits
prefix_bin varbinary Binary (inet_ntoa/inet6_ntoa) representation of the prefix address
prefix_bcast_bin varbinary Binary (inet_ntoa/inet6_ntoa) representation of the prefix ending address (broadcast)
timestamp timestamp RIB entry timestmap from BMP sender (normally this is the receive time of the entry on the router) - seconds since EPOCH
db_timestamp timestamp DB timestamp when the recorder was added/modified in the DB - seconds since EPOCH


Peer down events are logged whenever received in this table.

Column DataType Description
peer_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of bgp_peers table
bmp_reason varchar(64) BMP reason code value (error_text contains reason)
bgp_error_code int BGP notification error code (see RFC4271 Section 4.5)
bgp_error_subcode int BGP notification error subcode (see RFC4271 Section 4.5)
error_text varchar(255) Text description of bgp error code and subcode meaning
timestamp timestamp timestmap from BMP sender - seconds since EPOCH


Peer up events are logged whenever bmp device is established with OpenBMP and when the peer transitions from down to up.

It is possible to link this table to the peer table to get a full picture of the peering session. See v_peers view for peering session information.

Column DataType Description
peer_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of the bgp_peers table
local_ip varchar(40) printed form of the Local BMP device peer IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
local_port int Local port number for the peer session
local_hold_time int BGP hold time sent for the session
local_bgp_id varchar(15) Local BGP ID in printed format
remote_port int Remote port number for the peer session
remote_hold_time int BGP hold time recvived for the session
sent_capabilities varchar(4096) String list of sent to peer capabilities (syntax is cap_name(code number)={...}, ...)
recv_capabilities varchar(4096) String list of received from peer capabilities (syntax is cap_name(code number)={...}, ...)
timestamp timestamp timestmap from BMP sender - seconds since EPOCH


Status reports are metrics based on periods defined/configured on the BMP device. Each time the BMP device sends a report, an entry will be placed in this table.

Column DataType Description
peer_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of bgp_peers table
prefixes_rej unsigned int 32bit Number of prefixes rejected by inbound policy
known_dup_prefixes unsigned int 32bit Number of (known) duplicate prefix advertisements
known_dup_withdraws unsigned int 32bit Number of (known) duplicate withdraws
updates_invalid_cluster_list unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to CLUSTER_LIST loop
updates_invalid_by_as_path_loop unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to AS_PATH loop
updates_invalid_by_originator_id unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to ORIGINATOR_ID
updates_invalid_by_as_confed_loop unsigned int 32bit Number of updates invalidated due to AS_CONFED loop
num_routes_adj_rib_in unsigned int 64bit Number of routes in Adj-RIBs-In
num_routes_local_rib unsigned int 64bit Number of routes in Loc-RIB
timestamp timestamp BMP recorded time - seconds since EPOCH

Other metrics can be added


Every time a prefix is withdrawn a log entry is created in this table.

Column DataType Description
id unsigned int 64bit Incrementing number for log entry
peer_hash_id char (32) Hash ID of the bgp_peers table
prefix varchar(40) Prefix IP address in printed format
prefix_len int Length of prefix in bits
timestamp timestamp Last time the record was updated - seconds since EPOCH


Every time a prefix path attribute is changed, a log entry is added to this table.

Column DataType Description
rib_hash_id char(32) Hash ID of the rib table
path_attr_hash_id char (32) Hash ID of the path_attrs table for the current attrs, before update
timestamp timestamp Last time the record was updated - seconds since EPOCH